
My name is Adrian and I am an electrical engineer by day. My academic background gave me the default desire to document all my projects in detail such that a relative newcomer could replicate my results. This website is my take on documenting my personal projects for my own sanity and reference.

My main hobby is building audio gear. That particular interest started in high school with my first decent pair of headphones to upgrade the daily bus ride. From there I dabbled a bit in car audio on my first two vehicles. In college, I started looking into headphone amplifiers as a solution for better quality sound in a room I was sharing with other people. I found a few well-documented projects to build your own amplifiers and I haven’t looked back since. I have a few other hobbies that I have projects in mind for that I will describe as I work on them.

I have and probably will continue to write infrequently for Battlemouth on other things that don’t really fit here.